Source code for pook.response

import json
from .headers import HTTPHeaderDict
from .helpers import trigger_methods
from .constants import TYPES

[docs] class Response(object): """ Response is used to declare and compose an HTTP mock responses fields. It provides a chainable DSL interface for easier and declarative usage. Arguments: status (int): HTTP response status code. Defaults to ``200``. headers (dict): HTTP response headers. body (str|bytes): HTTP response body. json (str|dict|list): HTTP response JSON body. xml (str): HTTP response XML body. type (str): HTTP response content MIME type. file (str): file path to HTTP body response. Attributes: mock (pook.Mock): reference to mock instance. """ _KEY_ORDER = ( "body", "content", "file", "header", "headers", "json", "mock", "set", "status", "type", "xml", ) def __init__(self, **kw): self._status = 200 self._mock = None self._body = None self._binary = None self._headers = HTTPHeaderDict() # Trigger response method based on input arguments trigger_methods(self, kw, self._KEY_ORDER)
[docs] def status(self, code=200): """ Defines the response status code. Arguments: code (int): response status code. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self._status = int(code) return self
[docs] def header(self, key, value): """ Defines a new response header. Alias to ``Response.header()``. Arguments: header (str): header name. value (str): header value. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ if type(key) is tuple: key, value = str(key[0]), key[1] headers = {key: value} self._headers.extend(headers) return self
[docs] def headers(self, headers): """ Defines a new response header. Alias to ``Response.header()``. Arguments: header (str): header name. value (str): header value. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self._headers.extend(headers) return self
[docs] def set(self, header, value): """ Defines a new response header. Alias to ``Response.header()``. Arguments: header (str): header name. value (str): header value. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self._headers[header] = value return self
[docs] def type(self, name): """ Defines the response ``Content-Type`` header. Alias to ``Response.content(mime)``. You can pass one of the following type aliases instead of the full MIME type representation: - ``json`` = ``application/json`` - ``xml`` = ``application/xml`` - ``html`` = ``text/html`` - ``text`` = ``text/plain`` - ``urlencoded`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` - ``form`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` - ``form-data`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` Arguments: value (str): type alias or header value to match. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self.content(name) return self
[docs] def content(self, name): """ Defines the response ``Content-Type`` header. You can pass one of the following type aliases instead of the full MIME type representation: - ``json`` = ``application/json`` - ``xml`` = ``application/xml`` - ``html`` = ``text/html`` - ``text`` = ``text/plain`` - ``urlencoded`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` - ``form`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` - ``form-data`` = ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` Arguments: value (str): type alias or header value to match. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self._headers["Content-Type"] = TYPES.get(name, name) return self
[docs] def body(self, body, binary=False, chunked=False): """ Defines response body data. Arguments: body (str|bytes|list): response body to use. binary (bool): prevent decoding the body as text when True. chunked (bool): return a chunked response. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ if isinstance(body, bytes) and not binary: body = body.decode("utf-8") self._body = body self._binary = binary if chunked: self.header("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked") return self
[docs] def json(self, data): """ Defines the mock response JSON body. Arguments: data (dict|list|str): JSON body data. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self._headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" if not isinstance(data, str): data = json.dumps(data, indent=4) self._body = data return self
[docs] def xml(self, xml): """ Defines the mock response XML body. For not it only supports ``str`` as input type. Arguments: xml (str): XML body data to use. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ self.body(xml) return self
[docs] def file(self, path): """ Defines the response body from file contents. Arguments: path (str): disk file path to load. Returns: self: ``pook.Response`` current instance. """ with open(path, "r") as f: self._body = str( return self
@property def mock(self): """ Getter accessor for `mock` attribute. """ return self._mock @mock.setter def mock(self, mock): """ Setter for ``mock`` attribute. """ self._mock = mock def __repr__(self): """ Returns an human friendly readable instance data representation. Returns: str """ args = [] for key in ("headers", "status", "body"): value = getattr(self, "_{}".format(key)) args.append("{}={}".format(key, value)) return "Response(\n {}\n)".format(",\n ".join(args))