Source code for pook.interceptors.http

import socket
from ..request import Request
from .base import BaseInterceptor

from unittest import mock

from http.client import (
    responses as http_reasons,

PATCHES = ("http.client.HTTPConnection.request",)

RESPONSE_PATH = "http.client"

URLLIB3_BYPASS = "__urllib3_bypass__"

[docs] def HTTPResponse(*args, **kw): # Dynamically load package module = __import__(RESPONSE_PATH, fromlist=(RESPONSE_CLASS,)) HTTPResponse = getattr(module, RESPONSE_CLASS) # Return response instance return HTTPResponse(*args, **kw)
[docs] class SocketMock(socket.socket): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def makefile(self, *args, **kw): pass
[docs] def close(self, *args, **kw): pass
[docs] class HTTPClientInterceptor(BaseInterceptor): """ urllib / http.client HTTP traffic interceptor. """ def _on_request(self, _request, conn, method, url, body=None, headers=None, **kw): # Create request contract based on incoming params req = Request(method) req.headers = headers or {} req.body = body if isinstance(conn, HTTPSConnection): schema = "https" else: schema = "http" # Compose URL req.url = "{}://{}:{}{}".format(schema,, conn.port, url) # Match the request against the registered mocks in pook mock = self.engine.match(req) # If cannot match any mock, run real HTTP request since networking, # otherwise this statement won't be reached # (an exception will be raised before). if not mock: return _request(conn, method, url, body=body, headers=headers, **kw) # Shortcut to mock response res = mock._response # Aggregate headers as list of tuples for interface compatibility headers = [] for key in res._headers: headers.append((key, res._headers[key])) mockres = HTTPResponse(SocketMock(), method=method, url=url) mockres.version = (1, 1) mockres.status = res._status # urllib requires `code` to be set, rather than `status` mockres.code = res._status mockres.reason = http_reasons.get(res._status) mockres.headers = res._headers.to_dict() def getresponse(): return mockres conn.getresponse = getresponse conn.__response = mockres conn.__state = _CS_REQ_SENT # Path reader def read(): return res._body or "" = read return mockres def _patch(self, path): def handler(conn, method, url, body=None, headers=None, **kw): # Detect if httplib was called by urllib3 interceptor # This is a bit ugly, I know. Ideas are welcome! if headers and URLLIB3_BYPASS in headers: # Remove bypass header used as flag headers.pop(URLLIB3_BYPASS) # Call original patched function return request(conn, method, url, body=body, headers=headers, **kw) # Otherwise call the request interceptor return self._on_request( request, conn, method, url, body=body, headers=headers, **kw ) try: # Create a new patcher for Urllib3 urlopen function # used as entry point for all the HTTP communications patcher = mock.patch(path, handler) # Retrieve original patched function that we might need for real # networking request = patcher.get_original()[0] # Start patching function calls patcher.start() except Exception: # Exceptions may accur due to missing package # Ignore all the exceptions for now pass else: self.patchers.append(patcher)
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activates the traffic interceptor. This method must be implemented by any interceptor. """ [self._patch(path) for path in PATCHES]
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disables the traffic interceptor. This method must be implemented by any interceptor. """ [patch.stop() for patch in self.patchers]