Source code for pook.api

import functools
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from inspect import isfunction

from .engine import Engine
from .matcher import MatcherEngine
from .mock import Mock
from .mock_engine import MockEngine
from .request import Request
from .response import Response

from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction
from .activate_async import activate_async

# Public API symbols to export
__all__ = (

# Default singleton mock engine to be used
_engine = Engine()

def debug(enable=True):
    Enables or disables debug mode in the current mock engine.

        enable (bool): ``True`` to enable debug mode. Otherwise ``False``.
    _engine.debug = enable

[docs] def engine(): """ Returns the current running mock engine. Returns: pook.Engine: current used engine. """ return _engine
[docs] def set_mock_engine(engine): """ Sets a custom mock engine, replacing the built-in one. This is particularly useful if you want to replace the built-in HTTP traffic mock interceptor engine with your custom one. For mock engine implementation details, see `pook.MockEngine`. Arguments: engine (pook.MockEngine): custom mock engine to use. """ _engine.set_mock_engine(engine)
[docs] def activate(fn=None): """ Enables the HTTP traffic interceptors. This function can be used as decorator. Arguments: fn (function|coroutinefunction): Optional function argument if used as decorator. Returns: function: decorator wrapper function, only if called as decorator, otherwise ``None``. Example:: # Standard use case pook.activate() pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 pook.disable() # Decorator use case @pook.activate def test_request(): pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 """ # If not used as decorator, activate the engine and exit if not isfunction(fn): _engine.activate() return None # If used as decorator for an async coroutine, wrap it if iscoroutinefunction(fn): return activate_async(fn, _engine) @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kw): _engine.activate() try: fn(*args, **kw) finally: _engine.disable() return wrapper
[docs] def on(fn=None): """ Enables the HTTP traffic interceptors. Alias to ``pook.activate()``. Arguments: fn (function|coroutinefunction): Optional function argument if used as decorator. Returns: function: decorator wrapper function, only if called as decorator. Example:: # Standard usage pook.on() pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 # Usage as decorator @pook.on def test_request(): pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 """ return activate(fn)
[docs] def disable(): """ Disables HTTP traffic interceptors. """ _engine.disable()
[docs] def off(): """ Disables mock engine, HTTP traffic interceptors and flushed all the registered mocks. Internally, it calls ``pook.disable()`` and ````. """ disable() reset()
[docs] def reset(): """ Resets current mock engine state, flushing all the registered mocks. This action will not disable the mock engine. """ _engine.reset()
[docs] @contextmanager def use(network=False): """ Creates a new isolated mock engine to be used via context manager. Example:: with pook.use() as engine: pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 """ global _engine # Create temporal engine __engine = _engine activated = if activated: __engine.disable() _engine = Engine(network=network) _engine.activate() # Yield engine to be used by the context manager yield _engine # Restore engine state _engine.disable() if network: _engine.disable_network() # Restore previous engine _engine = __engine if activated: _engine.activate()
@contextmanager def context(network=False): """ Create a new isolated mock engine to be used via context manager. Semantic alias to ``pook.context()``. Example:: with pook.use() as engine: pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 """ with use(network=network) as engine: yield engine
[docs] @contextmanager def use_network(): """ Creates a new mock engine to be used as context manager Example:: with pook.use_network() as engine: pook.mock('').reply(404) res = requests.get('') assert res.status_code == 404 """ with use(network=True) as engine: yield engine
[docs] def enable_network(*hostnames): """ Enables real networking mode for unmatched mocks in the current mock engine. """ _engine.enable_network(*hostnames)
[docs] def disable_network(): """ Disables real traffic networking mode in the current mock engine. """ _engine.disable_network()
[docs] def use_network_filter(*fn): """ Adds network filters to determine if certain outgoing unmatched HTTP traffic can stablish real network connections. Arguments: *fn (function): variadic function filter arguments to be used. """ _engine.use_network_filter(*fn)
def flush_network_filters(): """ Flushes registered real networking filters in the current mock engine. """ _engine.flush_network_filters()
[docs] def mock(url=None, **kw): """ Creates and register a new HTTP mock. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic keyword arguments. Returns: pook.Mock: mock instance """ return _engine.mock(url, **kw)
[docs] def get(url, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with GET method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: mock instance """ return mock(url, method="GET", **kw)
[docs] def post(url, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with POST method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: mock instance """ return mock(url, method="POST", **kw)
[docs] def put(url, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with PUT method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: mock instance """ return mock(url, method="PUT", **kw)
[docs] def delete(url, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with DELETE method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: mock instance """ return mock(url, method="DELETE", **kw)
[docs] def patch(url=None, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with PATCH method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: new mock instance. """ return mock(url, method="PATCH", **kw)
[docs] def options(url=None, **kw): """ Registers a new mock HTTP request with OPTIONS method. Arguments: url (str): request URL to mock. activate (bool): force mock engine activation. Defaults to ``False``. **kw (mixed): variadic arguments to ``pook.Mock`` constructor. Returns: pook.Mock: new mock instance. """ return mock(url, method="OPTIONS", **kw)
[docs] def pending(): """ Returns the numbers of pending mocks to be matched. Returns: int: number of pending mocks to match. """ return _engine.pending()
[docs] def ispending(): """ Returns the numbers of pending mocks to be matched. Returns: int: number of pending mocks to match. """ return _engine.ispending()
[docs] def pending_mocks(): """ Returns pending mocks to be matched. Returns: list: pending mock instances. """ return _engine.pending_mocks()
[docs] def unmatched_requests(): """ Returns a ``tuple`` of unmatched requests. Unmatched requests will be registered only if ``networking`` mode has been enabled. Returns: list: unmatched intercepted requests. """ return _engine.unmatched_requests()
[docs] def unmatched(): """ Returns the total number of unmatched requests intercepted by pook. Unmatched requests will be registered only if ``networking`` mode has been enabled. Returns: int: total number of unmatched requests. """ return _engine.unmatched()
[docs] def isunmatched(): """ Returns ``True`` if there are unmatched requests. Otherwise ``False``. Unmatched requests will be registered only if ``networking`` mode has been enabled. Returns: bool """ return _engine.isunmatched()
[docs] def isactive(): """ Returns ``True`` if pook is active and intercepting traffic. Otherwise ``False``. Returns: bool: True if pook is active, otherwise False. """ return _engine.isactive()
[docs] def isdone(): """ Returns True if all the registered mocks has been triggered. Returns: bool: True if all the registered mocks are gone, otherwise False. """ return _engine.isdone()
[docs] def regex(expression, flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Convenient shortcut to ``re.compile()`` for fast, easy to use regular expression compilation without an extra import statement. Arguments: expression (str): regular expression value. flags (int): optional regular expression flags. Defaults to ``re.IGNORECASE`` Returns: expression (str): string based regular expression. Raises: Exception: in case of regular expression compilation error Example:: (pook .get('') .header('Content-Type', pook.regex('[a-z]{1,4}'))) """ return re.compile(expression, flags=flags)